Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 1 nuttery and contemplation

So, some really weird sh*t tends to happen to me on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. Not a day goes by that I'd consider boring, and sometimes that'd be a welcome relief. I could go back in time and fill you in on all the craziness that got me to this point, but that'll be revealed all in good time. For now, let's just start with today, August 15th, Sunday. Day 1 of pure, unadulterated truth as told via this blog that no one will probably read, with 364 more to come. 

In preparation for my yoga class, I decide to try out this new razor I bought. It's one of those bush trimming types that you stick a battery in, adjust the trim length you want and then go to town. I guess I got a little over zealous (is that supposed to be one word?), because I had the leftovers poking me like a mass of stinging nettles. When you're trying to do a downward facing dog or triangle pose, let me tell you, it doesn't feel good. I did make it through the class, sweating as usual more than anyone in there. I actually have to bring a towel to mop off my face because I'm blinded by sweat dripping into my tear ducts - and those don't work anyway, so it's extra painful. Oh, I forgot to mention the tornado I had to drive through to get to class, but I manned up and made it through OK.

Not much else of true interest happened for the rest of the day. I noticed that Fats, my domino damselfish (I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank filled with aggressive fish) is getting his ass kicked - and but good. His little fins are all shredded, and Rizzo - my cardinal fish - she has chunks bitten out of her tail fin, too. Recent deaths include Mama Cass, my female clownfish who committed suicide, one of my chromis, Wilho, my wrasse, Frenchie and Marty - 2 other cardinal fish. Whatever. I'll get completely into the fish some other time. It's a drama within itself. 

I had some Thai food that gave me incredible gas (don't act like you don't have it), and my upstairs fire alarm started going off right during the end of golf. It's only 8:30 now, but I can promise some other bullshit is going to happen to me before I go to bed in about 3 hours. You'll have to wait 'til tomorrow to find out about it, though. 

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