Day 5, yesterday, the 19th of August. Before you call me a slacker for missing an entry, let me tell you what happened. Work was totally nut jobs since I was racing around trying to get everything done before heading out on vacation. I was at a post house, then back to the office, grocery store, etc. I couldn't see anything the entire time cuz my eyes have been glued shut for three days straight (thank you, ragweed). I got home, quickly straightened the house to 'presentable,' then had my friend H over for girl talk and wine.
And now I have a reason to tell you about my fishlets. Yesterday I had a clownfish, 2 damsels (Fats and Captain Quint), 1 trigger (Bruce), 1 angel (Norman Bates), 1 puffer (Puff Daddy), 1 gramma (Flo), 1 hogfish (too new to have name yet), 6 chromis, 1 pajama cardinal (Rizzo), and 1 yellow tang (Sophie Fatale). And over the past week or so I noticed Sophie F turning brown, like little spots on her nose and a brown line down the middle of her body. Yeah, weird, right? So I talked to my fish man M and he said it was a bacterial infection and they needed Melafix. So, last night he swung by around 9:30 and we treated the tank, and before I went to bed I noticed that Flo and the Hog were both breathing pretty heavily.....
Anyway, I was full of wine and courage, so I Mac Daddy'd fish man M in the doorway with a big kiss, then sent him and H off into the night to go to dreamland.
And then I got up this morning.
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